Drehmer, David

Topic Weight Topic Terms
0.348 software development process performance agile processes developers response tailoring activities specific requirements teams quality improvement
0.186 model research data results study using theoretical influence findings theory support implications test collected tested
0.115 level levels higher patterns activity results structures lower evolution significant analysis degree data discussed implications
0.108 instrument measurement factor analysis measuring measures dimensions validity based instruments construct measure conceptualization sample reliability

Focal Researcher     Coauthors of Focal Researcher (1st degree)     Coauthors of Coauthors (2nd degree)

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Dekleva, Sasa 1
Measurement and Scaling 1 Rasch Model 1 Risks 1 Software Process Evolution 1
Software Process Maturity 1 Software Productivity 1 Software Quality 1

Articles (1)

Measuring Software Engineering Evolution: A Rasch Calibration. (Information Systems Research, 1997)
Authors: Abstract:
    This investigation provides an empirical scaling of software engineering practices derived from the software process maturity model developed by the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University (Humphrey et al. 1989). An analysis of data collected in an extended software maintenance study has shown that the responses to Humphrey's key software practice items fit the Rasch psychometric model providing an alternative framework in which to understand the software development practices. The Rasch model analysis describes the likelihood of a practice deployment for any level of evolution and provides precise and meaningful measures.